Fr. Thomas Koys
Spiritual Advisor
Fr. Thomas Koys is the author of The Ashes That Still Remain, a book that draws similarities between the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dred-Scott decision and Roe vs. Wade. He broadcasts on the Winds of Change, AM 750, every other Wednesday. He is fluent in Spanish and reads Lithuanian, and enjoys kayaking and biking. In 1997, he completed a 150 mile bike ride, an MS fundraising activity, shortly after his brother was stricken with the disease. Fr. Koys enjoys reading Mexican history, particularly about the Mexican revolutions in the 1800s and the 1900s that sowed tremendous anti-Catholic seeds when the government took over Catholic hospitals, schools, churches, and sold them to pay for the revolution effort. He is currently the pastor at St. James at the Sag Bridge in Lemont.