Fr. Thomas J. Loya, STB, MA presented the program entitled “Sacramental Worldview,” seeing the invisible made visible through the physical. Fr. Loya is currently the pastor of Annunciation of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Parish in Homer Glen, IL. He is also the host of “Light of the East Radio” heard on EWTN Radio affiliates, Ave Maria Radio, and The Guadalupe Radio Network. Fr. Loya hosts the radio program, “A Body of Truth,” heard on Fr. Loya spoke on the importance of rediscovering the original “ethos of seeing,” the Sacramental-liturgical worldview. He emphasized that being Catholic is not a religion, but a way of seeing life and the entire created order honestly, as it truly is, and learning how to relate honestly to it, most especially to the human person. Fr. Loya reminded the audience that God first created the invisible world, i.e. Angels, before creating matter or the visible world. Being a true Catholic means seeing this invisible world and all its meaning made visible through our physical world, most importantly our two eyes or “I’s”: Incarnational: God becoming man Integrated: Seeing the human being as an integrated being both spiritual and physical. Fr. used the mnemonic “SCHL” to describe the Church: Sacramental, Catholic, Human and Liturgical. Fr. Loya challenged the audience to face their professions, more importantly the people they serve in the areas of law, medicine, business, etc. with their two “I’s”: seeing each human person as God become man, and integrated, with physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs.